Prohibited items list
- Counterfeit products. These items pose as actual items but are counterfeit reproductions posing as authentic items. They may not be sold in our spaces. If in doubt, ask. If we discover you are knowingly selling these items, your membership may be suspended indefinitely. Your reputation will be scarred permanently within the community.
- Illegal infringements of copyright, patent or design. Please see our "Rule of Law" Policy as this is what is in view here. If an item was aftermarket without infringement of copyright or design patent it is LEGAL to be posted in our spaces. We cannot act to authenticate any item sold by members and ask for full disclosure by seller of builder if known. Buyers should use best ethical practices when buying or selling any item that is similar in design or that is an aftermarket reproductions similar to an established creator's product. We reserve the right to remove any item.
- Unauthorized reproductions of data in any format Copies of anyone's lecture notes, video, or other electronic media that is copyrighted. All items must be original copies as produced by the author. Any posting that overtly or covertly infringes on copyright is an illegal posting and may result in suspension of your membership privileges. NO PDF items may be sold in any form unless they are standard and accompany a product as part of it's contents.
- Livestock – No Livestock is permitted to be sold.
- Non-magical items – if in doubt, ask. We reserve the right to pull any item that seems to stray from this requirement without notice.
- Illegal items. Any item that by law is illegal to own or sell in your own city, state, or country to anyone who cannot buy that item in their own city, state or country due to local laws or age restrictions. This also means any item that cannot be normally sold to minors; i.e., fire items, flash paper, powder, etc.
- Counterfeit products. These items pose as actual items but are counterfeit reproductions posing as authentic items. They may not be sold in our spaces. If in doubt, ask. If we discover you are knowingly selling these items, your membership may be suspended indefinitely. Your reputation will be scarred permanently within the community.